For many people who are afflicted with the COVID 19 and are now bravely fighting the disease, it will be terrible for them to wake up this Easter morning as they have no voice to say “ He is Risen!” But for those of us who have a voice and the capabilities to serve God today, this day resonates with gratitude as here at EAC our people practice a kind of thankfulness that isn’t based on time, or place or circumstances.
What is happening all around us is hard to put into words and maybe one doesn’t need to. There is simply no way to accurately describe the emotion this evokes in people all over the world. We can’t even begin to understand the scope, the range of this virus that is changing the very fiber of our society.
But in spite of the doom and gloom all around us, let us not dwell on fearful thoughts, instead let us declare that we will receive God’s mercy and He will put people in our path and these will be the answers to our prayers.
This Easter Sunday, together let us pray God-sized prayers and firmly believe that He is risen to heal all that is broken all around us, to repair whatever is fragmented, to gather all that has scattered and to unite everyone that has been divided.
Today, light will break forth as we move forward in faith. There is healing in us. There is restoration. There are new beginnings. There is a miracle waiting to happen.