The EAC-School of Pharmacy (SoP) is an institution of higher learning that utilizes student-centered learning environment and pedagogy to foster conceptual understanding, knowledge reproduction, and skills development necessary to produce scientifically and globally-competent Pharmacists.
It provides education for future pharmacist so they may practice in major fields including community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, and industrial pharmacy. Founded in 1983; the program is offered both in EAC Manila and Cavite campuses.
To be the preferred institution for Pharmacy education in providing a learner-centered academic environment by exemplifying excellence in instruction, research, and community service.
To ensure the development of globally-competitive and socially-responsible pharmacy professionals by adhering to the highest standards of academic excellence through an inclusive, learner-centered environment.
Program Educational Objectives
- Practice pharmacy in a professional and ethical manner
- Provide pharmaceutical care
- Conduct relevant research and disseminate findings
- Apply managerial and entrepreneurial skills
- Communicate and facilitate effectively.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Explain the preparation of drugs into various dosage forms to ensure quality of medicinal and pharmaceutical products
- Demonstrate knowledge of drugs of biological origin, and the pharmacy and chemistry of pharmaceutical products
- Read and interpret prescriptions correctly
- Critically evaluate scientific evidence for research and decision-making
- Practice alternative management and treatment modalities
- Relate biological and physiological concepts to pharmacy (drugs, biotechnology products, and diseases)
- Investigate the harmful and beneficial effects of microorganisms (including antimicrobial resistance and its clinical impact) as well as the helminths and measures to control these parasites
- Demonstrate understanding of immunization process and types of immunobiologicals
- Demonstrate appreciation of the major art forms
- Demonstrate an appreciation of history and cultural heritage
- Demonstrate methods in utilizing instrumentation analyses as required by pharmacopeial standards.
- Provide healthcare information to various clients (patients, healthcare professionals and public)
- Recognize important elements of the patient’s health profile and health promotion
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
The School of Pharmacy has been training Filipino Pharmacists since 1983. The founding dean of the school was Emma M. Castaneda PhD (1983-1994) where she nurtured the school to grow in the number of students and in facilities and established EAC SoP as one of the leading Pharmacy schools in the Philippines. During her time, EAC had its first PRC board exam topnotcher in 1991 through Ms. Emma Evangelista, 6th place. The EAC SoP gained significant recognition in interschool competitions during the times of the succeeding deans Eleodora Lorenzo MBA (1995-1996), Gloria Panganiban PhD, Lilian P. de la Merced PhD (1997-1999), Raquel C. Ibatuan (OIC/2000-2001), Fe G. Miroy MSc (2002) and Alexander Galan (OIC).
Dean Miroy, the 6th Dean of EAC SoP, EAC SoP Secretary (1989-1993) and also EAC VP for Administration (1996) strengthened the processes of the laboratories as her main platform. Dean Ileana Cruz MA (2003-2014), helped EAC SoP perform well at the pharmacist national licensure exam. Dean Cruz who is a chemistry expert, started the renovation of the laboratories of the SoP to be highly efficient esp. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry experiments. In 2018, EAC SoP opened a BS Pharmacy program in its Cavite campus. The current deans of EAC SoP are Ms. Vina Rose A. Dahilig MSc (2014-2017 EAC Manila / 2018-present EAC Cavite) and Mr. Romeo C. Ongpoy, Jr. MSc (2018-present EAC Manila). Dean Dahilig initiated reforms for quality education and the construction of vital units of the school like the Pharmacy simulation room, Animal house facility and the Botanical garden, she is also the founding dean of EAC SoP Cavite.
At present, EAC SoP continues to provide Pharmacists not only in the Philippines but to other countries. The graduates work at the community, hospital, industrial and academic settings and also in emerging practices like managed care, clinical research and natural products research. The EAC SoP graduates have been known to be humble, professionally competent and morally upright. It is hoped in the coming years, EAC SoP will be able to produce more qualified graduates contributing to the pharmaceutical work force.
- Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry (with Qualitative Analysis)
- Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
- Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Organic Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Research Methods w/ Pharmacy Statistics
- Pharmacy Research and Thesis Writing
- Integrated Pharmaceutical Science 1
- Integrated Pharmaceutical Science 2
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory
- Analytical Research Laboratory
- Balance Room
- Chemical & Equipment Stockroom
Frederick M. Francisco
Greggy James D. Sevilla
Room E7-708, 7th Floor, Building 7, EAC Manila
- Human Anatomy and Physiology with Pathophysiology
- Pharmaceutical Botany with Taxonomy
- Biology of Drug Abuse
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Veterinary Pharmacy
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Parasitology
- Pharmaceutical Biology Laboratory
- Botanical Garden
- Adjunct laboratories at the Schools of PT/OT/RT & Medical Technology
Romeo C. Ongpoy, Jr.
Room E7-710, 7th Floor, Building 7, EAC Manila
- Pharmaceutical Analysis 1 (Quantitative Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
- Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Drug Delivery Systems and Medical Devices
- Physical Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 (instrumental Methods of Analysis)
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (with Quality Assurance and cGMP)
- Drug Discovery and Development
- Cosmetic Product Development
- Pharmacy Calculations and Techniques
- Pharmaceutics Laboratory
- Manufacturing and Compounding Laboratory
Ariel Geno R. Santos
Room E7-712, 7th Floor, Building 7, EAC Manila
- Pharmacology 1
- Pharmacology 2
- Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacotherapeutics 1
- Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacotherapeutics 2
- Hospital Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Toxicology
- Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Practice Simulation Laboratory
- Animal House
Paolo Aaron R. Guanlao
Room E7-701, 7th Floor, Building 7, EAC Manila
- Perspectives in Pharmacy
- Introduction to Healthcare System
- Introduction to Pharmacy Administration, Management and Leadership
- Dispensing 1
- Dispensing 2
- Pharmacy Informatics
- Public Health Pharmacy (with Pharmacoepidemiology)
- Legal Pharmacy & Ethics
- Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy (with Pharmacoeconomics)
- Pharmaceutical Marketing and Entrepreneurship
- Social and Administrative Pharmacy
- Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Practice Laboratory
John Robinson T. Uy
Chelsea C. Panganiban
Room E7-701, 7th Floor, Building 7, EAC ManilA
Community Pharmacy
- Mercury Drug Corporation
- Generika
- The Generics Pharmacy
- Partial list only. Some partners not listed here are available for internship per request
Hospital Pharmacy
- Medical Center Manila (Manila Med)
- EAC Cavite Hospital
- Manila Doctors
- San Juan de Dios Hospital
- Army General Hospital
- Chinese General Hospital
- Claire Hospital
- Seamen’s Hospital
- Partial list only. Some partners not listed here are available for internship per request
Industrial Pharmacy
- SMHP Consultancy & Marketing
- Partial list only. Some partners not listed here are available for internship per request
Public Health & Regulatory Pharmacy
- Food & Drug Administration Philippines
- Partial list only. Some partners not listed here are available for internship per request
Institutional Pharmacy
- Food & Drug Administration Philippines
- Partial list only. Some partners not listed here are available for internship per request
General Assembly (including Dialogue with the Dean)
- The School of Pharmacy nurtures good communication among students & the administration and provides a venue to discuss important matters that may help deliver effective teaching and student learning. The GA is the main venue made available for this purpose, this event is conducted every semester.
Pharmacy Week
- The School of Pharmacy gives the students their much-needed academic break to regain strength and be more productive in their school performance. During Pharmacy Week, events like Pharmacy Night, Pageantry, etc. are being held within the program. Important pre-professional talks/seminars are also being conducted during this 3-day event that happens every 1st
Pharmacy Student Society Council (Federation of Junior Chapters of Philippine Pharmacy Association – Phi Chapter)
- Leadership is nurtured to reach its full potential at EAC SoP. The Phi Chapter functions to implement student focused activities and provides a good training for future Pharmacist Leaders. This leadership interaction does not only cover the School of Pharmacy as the PSSC interacts with the Central Student Council (CSC) within EAC and also through inter-pharmacy school interactions with FJCPPhA.
White Coat & Pinning Ceremony
- To bless the first interactions between student pharmacists with their patients, EAC SoP asks guidance from the Almighty in this solemn and sacred traditional ceremony celebrated globally. That the EAC student pharmacists may be able to perform internship duties according to standards. This ceremony happens every 1st semester, usually in November.
Campus Journalism
- Communication skills are very important for Pharmacists and several venues mainly for writing skills are provided for EAC students through the Magdalo (EAC school paper), EAC Research bulletin (EAC scientific journal) & Fortress (EAC yearbook).
- The EAC traditional student sporting event participated by the SoP, usually celebrated every March of the annual year. The SoP usually participates in most of the events including basketball, volleyball, badminton, board games etc., as well as the highly anticipated Mister & Miss EAC.
Outreach Activities
- The faculty, staff, and students at EAC SOP engage in activities that are significant to improve the quality of life of the people mainly by using expertise on Pharmaceutical care. The current adopted community of EAC is Barangay 02, Zone 1, Pasay City. Regular events are also being conducted at Bahay Aruga, a charity pediatric cancer patient house located adjacent to EAC.
- The EAC SOP awards the following annually to its graduating class: Class Valedictorian, Class Salutatorian, Honorable Mention, College Leadership award, Best in Thesis award (group), National organization award/s and the EAC academic awards (latin honors) as well as the other college level awards.
- The EAC SOP also recognizes success and exemplary service of its alumni through the annual Champion Emilian Pharmacist Award and also awards organizations/companies for their help in the advancement of the Pharmacy Practice through the Pharmacy Innovation Award.