Business Education GRADUATES who are able to become rational business leaders, determined to improve the quality of their lives, and imbued with an innate sense of service-to contribute to the development of their communities and the country.
The EAC – School of Business Education is a responsive institution of learning that adheres to the highest standards of education, for the development of business professionals, who are; committed to the continuing enhancement of their careers, aware of their social responsibility, and advocates of good governance.
The School of Business Education shall not only train the students but also enrich them with the necessary enlightenment and exposure to make them relate theoretical knowledge to practical training and make them better prepared for life upon integration into the business world.
Specifically, the School of Business Education aims to:
- Provide the students with the essential knowledge to make them economically independent and socially committed professionals dedicated to the best interest of the nation.
- Equip them with the necessary training to be able to cope with the ever-changing times and events in the global business arena.
- Provide them with the necessary exposure and training to enable them to understand the inter-relationship of their learning and everyday living, thus apply this knowledge with intellectual, spiritual and moral maturity.
- Inculcate in them the value of cleanliness, orderliness, discipline, punctuality, hard work, thrift, diligence and self-reliance.
- Develop in them good moral values particularly honesty, respect, compassion, courtesy, obedience, fairness, and concern for others.
- Prepare them for vigilant leadership in meeting career challenges whether of local, national or international magnitude
Through the years, the College of Business Educationhas stood true to its mission:
- Consistent in Excellence
- Confident in Achievement
- Committed in Career Development
The forerunner of the School of Business Administration was the School of Secretarial Administration, popularly known as Med Sec, one of the pioneer course offerings of the school. It offered Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Administration with Dr. Gregorio Delgado as its first dean. In June 13, 1979, it was established as the School of Secretarial and Business Administration.
In January 1980, as a response to the determined efforts of the school to ensure that its graduates will adequately meet the manpower demands of the various business sectors in a developing nation, the School of Secretarial and Business Administration was established.
In june 1988, the Commission on Higher Education approved the curriculum leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy, Management, Finance, Economics and Marketing. The school became a member of prestigious business groups like the Philippine Association of Collegiate Schools of Business (1989) and the Bishop Businessmen’s Conference for Human Development that serves as a training ground for students.
The succeeding school years witnessed the growth of the school not only in courses offered, but in the number of students as well. In 1994, the school produced its first batch of Certified Public Accountants (CPA’s). And in 1997, it reached a passing percentage of 42.85% in the Customs Broker’s Licensure Examination with one of its graduates, Laurel Dominic Pedrialva, placing fourth over-all in the national level.
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Majors in:
- Marketing Management
- Operations Management
- Financial Management
Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration
Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management