Human Resources Department



It is the policy of the Emilio Aguinaldo College (the “EAC”) to hire, select and employ job applicants based on merit, qualifications, and competence, and without regard to sex, gender expression, race color, religion, origin, faith, citizenship status, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. The EAC is fully committed to provide equal employment opportunities for all candidates or applicants and a work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.


This is to satisfy the hiring necessity of EAC in a timely and cost-effective manner and to ensure the effective signing on of the newly hired academic or non-academic personnel in EAC.

Personnel Requisition

The Deans/Department Heads/Principals request for personnel supported by duly accomplished and approved Personnel Requisition Form (QF-HRD-001) obtained from the Human Resources Department (HRD). This form provides all the necessary details about the position to be filled out, the required qualifications, the reason for the request, the date when the requested personnel is needed to work and other relevant data.
The President approves the request of the Deans/Department Heads/Principals with recommending approval from the HRD Director or Head and Budget Officer.

The requesting department forwards the approved form to the HRD for processing either through external or internal sourcing.

Sourcing and Interview

The HRD Associate or staff checks potential applicants, conducts paper screening, and invites the qualified applicant for a preliminary interview.

The HRD Associate or staff advises the applicant to sign the Employment Application Form (QF-HRD-002) and attach his/her Curriculum Vitae and other credentials for review.

For applicants applying for full-time position, the HRD Associate or staff sends them to the Counselling, Career and Placement Office for psychometric examination as a requirement for pre-employment. Invited lecturers are not subjected to psychometric examination.

Once the applicant passed the psychometric examination, the HRD Director conducts a second interview.

After the second interview, the HRD Director endorses the qualified applicant for final interview of the requesting department. For managerial positions, the President at his discretion, conducts an interview.

For faculty applicant, the Dean/Department Head/Principal requires the faculty applicant for a teaching demonstration using the Teaching Demonstration Form (QF-HRD-003) to give an accurate rating. The faculty applicant should have obtained a “Very Satisfactory” rating to qualify.

Once the Head of the requesting department recommends the applicant for hiring, the HRD Associate or staff gives the list of other pre-employment requirements to the successful candidate and issues an endorsement slip QF-HRD-033 for physical examination. Qualified applicant shall be given a week to submit all the pre-employment requirements that include physical examination and necessary documents prior to deployment among others Photocopy (original copy for authentication of documents), as applicable; Curriculum Vitae; Transcript of Records (certified true copy); College Diploma; License/Board Certificate/Board Rating, if applicable; Training/ Seminars Certificate; Teaching Permit (those w/ principal employer), if applicable; Employment Clearance, if applicable; Certificate of Employment; NBI clearance; Marriage Contract (if married); Birth Certificate (PSA certified); SSS Number; Philhealth Number; Pag-ibig Number; Taxpayer’s Identification Number; Certificate of Tax Withheld (BIR 2316); 2 pcs. 2 x 2 ID picture; Physical Examination Result; and Psychometric Examination Result.


The HRD Associate or staff verifies the submitted documents of the applicant for its authenticity and veracity.

The HRD Associate or staff conducts a background check to verify information given by the applicant in the application form.

If there are deviations found from the declaration of the applicant indicated on his/her application documents, the HRD Associate or staff notifies immediately the HRD Director to properly address the concern.

If the applicant has lacking requirements, the HRD Associate or staff informs the applicant that he/she cannot yet start until all the pre-employment requirements were submitted.


The HRD Associate prepares the employment contract and notifies the applicant for signing.
Once signed, the HRD Associate forwards employment contract to the HRD Director and to the President for signing.

The HRD Associate or staff will issue EAC identification card to the new employee. The HRD Director or the latter’s designated staff endorses the new employee to his/her Department Head for the start of his/her employment.

The HRD Director/Associate schedules and conducts orientation to the newly hired employee.